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Signs of Death that Determine Someone Has Died

In stating someone's death, the doctor or medical person will refer to a series of signs of death. Besides physical changes that occur after death can determine the cause and estimated time of death. There are many factors that determine when someone is declared lifeless. This includes the failure of the function of vital organs in sustaining life. After death, the body will also experience various changes called post-mortem changes.

Signs of the Death

Signs of death may naturally occur in the form of physical changes within a few days or hours before death. This is experienced mainly by sufferers of chronic or elderly diseases. Signs of near death include:
  • Tired and sleepy

  • Changes in metabolism make sufferers appear more powerless, weak, and sleepy. He will spend more time sleeping, and may be unconscious in his sleep.
  • Don't want to eat or drink

  • Patients tend to refuse to eat or drink and have difficulty in consuming food, drinks, and drugs by mouth. Nearing death, the body is no longer able to process food properly. If the patient is unable to swallow water, apply water on his lips.
  • Breath change

  • Patients can experience changes in breathing patterns, namely rapid breathing that turns deeper and irregular. There may be a pause of some time between breaths. In addition, the body naturally produces phlegm in the respiratory system. This phlegm will naturally be wasted through coughing. But if the body does not move much and near death, phlegm will accumulate and make sounds when breathing.
    - Here's how you can do if the sufferer has difficulty breathing:
    - Put a pillow under his head.
    - Tilt his head to one side.
    - Can also use oxygen through breathing aids, such as masks or oxygen hoses.
    - If breathing problems do not improve, immediately take it to the hospital to get further treatment.
  • Hallucinations and confusion

  • Hallucinations are when someone sees or hears something that is actually not real. In addition, it may also occur in a daze so that the patient does not recognize where he is, what time, or who he is with. This disorientation can make sufferers restless and have trouble sleeping. Both of these can occur due to changes in the balance of chemicals in the brain and side effects of drugs. At other times, this condition can make the patient feel frustrated, and ask to be moved from his bed.
  • Cold hands and feet

  • Changes in body circulation can cause the sufferer's feet and hands to feel cold. Lack of oxygen in the blood can cause the skin to turn bluish or cyanotic. Socks and blankets may get rid of the cold.
  • Can not control bowel and bladder

  • Loss of ability to control bowel and bladder due to malfunctioning of pelvic muscles. In addition, slowing the kidneys work and decreased fluid consumption makes the urine volume decreases or dark urine. You can ask the nurse to place a catheter or adult diaper to keep the patient clean.
Towards the end of life, sufferers often suddenly look healthier and more energetic. Though it could be that is part of the body's natural process before he exhales last. While patients with end-stage serious illness may become unconscious several days or hours before dying. However, sometimes they can still know the whereabouts and voices of people who are waiting for them.

Signs of Death Medically

Someone is declared dead when:
  • There is no brainstem activity. The signs are dilated pupils and do not react to light, the eyes do not blink when the cornea of ​​the eye is stimulated, there is no gag reflex when the throat is stimulated.
  • Vital organs do not function.
  • Breathing stops.
  • There is no electrical activity of the heart or the heart does not beat.
  • There is no response to pain stimulation, for example when pinched.
  • Rigid body, which began to be seen since 3 hours after death.
  • Body temperature drops, at least 8 hours after death.

Body Changes After Death (Post-Mortem)

After death, a series of changes naturally occur in the body. Various external factors and intrinsic characteristics can accelerate or slow down the process of change in the body after death. The following are various changes that occur in the human body after death:
  • Rigid mortis

  • Rigor mortis is a change in muscle to stiff. In many cases, muscle stiffness can begin 1-2 hours after death, and disappear 24 hours after death.
  • Cadavers (livor mortis)

  • Livor mortis is characterized by the appearance of bluish purple bruises on the body. Its appearance is the result of the deposition of blood due to the influence of gravity.
  • Tardieu spots

  • Freckles on the skin that appear after death due to broken blood vessels.
  • Algor mortis

  • Algor mortis is the change in body temperature to cool after death. This process only happens if the ambient temperature is cooler than the body temperature at the time of death.
  • Tache noire

  • Tache noire is a dark red horizontal line that appears in the eye when the eyelid is not closed at death.
  • Purge fluid

  • Purge fluid is decay fluid that comes out of holes in the body, such as the mouth, nose, urinary tract, and anus.
  • Decay or decomposition

  • Decomposition is a process of decay that is assisted by bacteria that originate from inside and outside the body.
Signs of death can also have their own characteristics, depending on the cause of death. To ascertain the cause and estimated time of death, further examination is needed by a forensic specialist.


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