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Signs of Kleptomania and how to overcome it

Theft is not always motivated by economic motives. The feeling of wanting to steal can also arise in someone suffering from Kleptomania. There are several ways to identify people with Kleptomania by paying attention to the symptoms that occur. A person is called suffering from Kleptomania when he is unable to stop himself from stealing things that are around him, and these items are actually not needed, nor do they have a high price. In addition, Kleptomania sufferers also take goods that can actually be bought by themselves, or used goods that are not used by their owners.

Signs of Kleptomania

Kleptomania is a type of mental disorder that makes it difficult for sufferers to control the impulse to steal. Clptomania sufferers usually steal things that they don't really need. Acts of theft by Kleptomania sufferers carried out suddenly, without planning. Unlike the thieves in general who planned the theft some time before. Some signs of someone suffering from Kleptomania, namely:
  • An irresistible desire to steal. Can be done in crowded locations such as supermarkets or shops, or in private places such as the homes of friends or relatives.
  • Before stealing, Kleptomania sufferers feel increased tension.
  • Feel relief or pleasure after stealing. At the same time feeling ashamed, guilty, sorry, self-loathing, or fear of being caught.
  • Often the stolen property is placed, stored, or given back to someone else. Not infrequently, the stolen goods are returned to their owners secretly.
  • The desire to steal in people with Kleptomanania can disappear. Patients also sometimes feel trapped in the urge to steal and theft again.
  • Theft committed by Kleptomania sufferers is not based on reasons of hallucinations, delusions, anger, or revenge.
Women suffer from kleptomania more often than men, and most are experienced while still in their teens. The exact cause of this condition is not yet known with certainty, but is thought to be related to genetic factors and impaired hormonal balance in the brain, namely the hormone serotonin and the hormone dopamine. Sometimes, sufferers of Kleptomania also have other psychiatric disorders, such as depression, excessive anxiety, personality disorders, mood disorders, or experiencing eating disorders.

How to Overcome Kleptomania

Kleptomania is a mental disorder that cannot be underestimated. If left without proper treatment, Kleptomania can cause suffering for patients and their families. Some Kleptomania sufferers withhold shame from the disorder, even fear of being arrested and imprisoned, so they do not dare to seek professional help. Although until now there has been no specific drug that can cure kleptomania, but treatment with psychotherapy and drugs can help suppress the urge to steal in people with kleptomania. Therapy carried out for sufferers of Kleptomania is generally intended to determine the psychological problems that trigger it. Types of therapy that can be used to treat Kleptomania include cognitive behavioral therapy, family counseling therapy, psychodynamics, and behavior modification therapy. Usually these therapies can be done personally or in groups. In addition to therapy, a series of drugs are also given to complement psychological therapy for sufferers of Kleptomania. Drugs used include fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline, which can increase the hormone serotonin in the brain. These drugs are generally used to treat depression. If you or someone you know is suspected of having Kleptomania, you should immediately consult a psychiatrist or psychologist. This disorder is important to be addressed immediately, given the moral, social, and legal risks faced by Kleptomania sufferers in the community.


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